STRIP 2.4 Released – Introducing Secret Agent

2014-08-27 06:00:00 -0400

We're very excited to announce the immediate availability of STRIP 2.4.0, along with a major new feature for OS X and Windows called Secret Agent. STRIP's Secret Agent adds a convenient way to quickly access your STRIP data from other Desktop applications. Today’s update also includes redesigned and new icons along with various bug fixes. Read on for more information!


For instructions on updating STRIP please visit the updating STRIP FAQ in, our new community forum.

Note: Secret Agent is an advanced Desktop-based feature for STRIP for Windows and STRIP for OS X only. However, new versions for iOS and Android are also avaiable with new icons and bug fixes. If you're a mobile user and don't own STRIP for Windows or STRIP for OS X yet, please check them out. They are great desktop companions to the mobile applications!

Secret Agent

With a quick keyboard command you can now quickly and easily access your sensitive STRIP data for use in other applications on your Mac or Windows computer without having to switch apps, interrupt your flow, or copy and paste values.

How It Works

Secret Agent operates in the background on your computer, so it's available anytime. Once you’ve enabled Secret Agent in STRIP Preferences you can type a global hotkey command at any time to bring STRIP up from any application.

When you want to insert secure data into an active text field, for instance entering a website password into your favorite browser, press the hotkey and Secret Agent's search interface will appear, allowing you to quickly locate the record and field you need.

Searching for Data

Start with your cursor focused on an active text field in any application. Type Shift + Control + Backslash on Windows or Shift + Command + Backslash on OS X to bring up the Secret Agent interface. If STRIP isn’t currently unlocked you’ll see a login prompt. Once you’re at the search bar just start typing what you’re looking for:

Once you locate the record you need, hit the enter key to bring up its detail view. Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate through the search results (or scroll and use your mouse, as you like.) While looking at the record detail in Secret Agent, arrow up or down to the field you want, then hit the enter key to automatically insert the field contents at the cursor location in the target application. Pressing the key combo again will bring the same record back up, making it easy to fill in multiple fields.

Secret Agent is a really fantastic and helpful addition to STRIP, providing easy access to data from any application. It's fast, keyboard driven, and most importantly, unlike some browser plugins or javascript-based integrations, Secret Agent is under your complete control. This minimizes concerns about malicious sites or applications stealing your data.

Redesigned and New Icons

One of the nicest visual improvements to the latest version of STRIP is the icons available to help you identify your categories and entries. We partnered with Jory Raphael at Sensible World design studio to completely redesign STRIP's entire icon collection, including the additon of sixty new icons created to our specifications. We couldn't be happier; they really make the app a pleasure to use. (Jory also designed the custom toolbar icons you see in STRIP for OS X and Windows!)

We're Here to Help

Please let us know if you have any questions about the upgrade process, how you like the new version, or if you run into any issues. We just launched a new community forum for STRIP at for discussion about the software. If you have a question or feedback about STRIP, please stop by, or send us an email to